Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Walmart,........and *&^%$%^& ammo sales

I really hate stupidity. I figure I'm about as dumb as anybody really needs to be and when someone starts shooting for lower than that, well...........
First of all, if I am working somewhere, let's say a fish market- even if I don't want to work there, I'm am going to at least make a little effort to learn something about.....wait for it.......FISH! Especially the fish I am dealing with. That said.

I stop at my most local walmart this morning. I needed diesel and some stuff that no other grocer sells in town. So while there I cruise the ammo case, you know you do it too. The had gotten some russian 223 in.
I bought my 3 boxes easy peasy and go about my business.

Later on I am in another town on business and can easily go by that walmart, so I do. Nothing for me there. BUT, I overhear the cashier asking for ID, from a grandpa so no age thing, on an ammo sale. I asked why.

"The ATF was in here just 2 days ago and said it MUST be done" she said.

I related how I had only 2 hours before bought at a WM 30 minutes away and was not required.

The lady very enthusiastically replied that "They can be fined $10,000!"

I knew this was baloney. I keep abreast of anything as big as this from the ATF thugs, but just in case, I checked, and NOOOO. It ain't happened,......... yet.

Now, did some doofus stooge ATFer really say that or is some WM weiner going about weiner-ing things up? My money is on the later. But the question is, is this a 1 store weiner or do they have several stores?

Maybe this is like "those" emails, the ones with all the bogus urban legend stuff that go around every so many years just like the cyclic locusts and it's just time for the local WM's to be foolish.


  1. When I worked for Walgreen's, we had this issue with cigarettes and being 18? or what ever the legal age is now.

    In their infinite wisdom, Walgreen's set the store policy for anyone under 40 (just to protect the cashier...don't cha know).

    That caused more issues than it solved because the customers were forever asking the poor cashier, "DO I LOOK LIKE I"M UNDER 18 TO YOU". and rightfully so I might add. Sometimes I, being the manger on duty, would get called to explain said stupid policy to someone.....

    so there may be some upper corporate idiot forcing this issue in Walmart....

  2. We have the same id thing here in SC with beer and cigs also. Each store has signs saying its a state law, no code listing though. Sometimes I stop at a convenience store on the way home from work and often there is someone there old enough to be my parent getting carded. If it is law it would not surprise me, nanny statism is everywhere.
    Thanks for the comment.

    Btw, I did not flesh out my fish market analogy above. The folks that work at WM's "gun & ammo counter" seldom have a clue about what they are selling or talking about. It is their job they should take the responsibility to learn a little about it be it selling bed sheets, garden supplies or G&A. IMAO.

  3. Whether true or not, I don't doubt for a second an ATF man might have said that, since they think they're God's gift to mankind.
