Friday, January 31, 2014

New .22 Pop Up Target

I bought a new toy a couple of weeks ago at the local Wal Mart. It is a small "pop up" 22lr target.

This little target only cost about $11. It comes with four L shaped rods to anchor it to the ground. The target portion is 9 inches tall and 2.5 inches at the center of the diamond, despite what the box says, and weighs just a couple of pounds.

I was shooting a S&W 15-22 at this target at about 25 yards. The sights on the rifle completely obscured the target. Using a standard .22 with a small ramp or bead and buckhorn type rear sight or especially a red dot or scope optic would allow you to see the reaction to hits much better.

The weight of this little target combined with a light spring allow this target to be folded and tucked into a range or gear bag and carried to your shooting range. The paint does chip but that is because its being shot at, I would chip too. A little rattle can magic will make it shine like new.

IMAO, not a waste of $11.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Victim of Police and Doctors to get $1.6 million

 David Eckert of New Mexico was pulled over last January for the crime of a "rolling stop."  The cops brought a drug dog to the party. Mr Eckert was then taken to a local hospital where, under police orders, the medical personnel probed, x-rayed, and scoped his digestive tract, all against his will. The local taxpayers are now gifting Mr Eckert $1.6 million.
More @ Forbes

 The article doesn't mention how his lawsuit(s) is progressing against the doctors/hospital, THAT CHARGED HIM FOR THESE UNWANTED PROCEDURES!
 Maybe Mr Eckert will be a benevolent employer, as I hope that he is blessed with the indentured servitude of these doctors and the title to the hospital where this happened. All of which is exaggeration and hyperbole but nevertheless.
 Police officers and in this case their contracted medical staff must be held accountable for actions such as this in the future, either by law or some other means.
 This is NOT my natural state of mind. MOST of the time, my first thought is along the lines of, "Hahaha, you (Mr Criminal) shouldn't have done that!" But then I check myself. If they are doing these things to others, they are gonna do them to me too, and probably you.

Chuckie Schumer doesn't like me, the feeling is mutual.

Free Speech: The IRS scandal is not only not over but is getting worse, with a call by New York's senior senator for the already-politicized agency to use its power to tax to destroy the conservative grass-roots movement.
Arguing that the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision allowed Tea Party groups to "funnel millions of undisclosed dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government," Charles Schumer wants the IRS and other government agencies to take on the Tea Party through their administrative powers.
"It is clear that we will not pass anything legislatively as long as the House of Representatives is in Republican control, but there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies,"

"Distort the truth?" Like; Benghazi was all about a video, "If you like your insurance/Dr, you can keep it" The NSA is preventing terrorist attacks! (see Boston Marathon bombing and Benghazi attack)