Monday, December 30, 2013

An Obama Top 10 List

From Forbes magazine, there is a top 10 list of your president's MOST unconstitutional actions.

Top 10.
As in, there are more.
AND, this list only covers 2013, so it's the top 10 of 2013. Not even the whole 5 years!

It is an over used analogy but; Have we, the frogs, let the water start to boil already? It has GOT to be close.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The minimum wage and Wal Mart, McDonalds, et al

All these folks ranting about how McD's,  WM, etc should pay a "living wage" really get on my last good nerve.
First of all, MOST of these jobs are SUPPOSED to be for students, maybe a senior citizen looking for something to do during the day or someone wanting some extra income above their real, full time job. NOT for anyone that has attempted to be a full time good citizen. Meaning; I can see someone that maybe made mistakes taking a job at a WM or wherever in the process of getting heir life back on track. Instead, our politicians have hamstrung the major industries of this country with all sorts of regulations and rules and paperwork and liability and on and on and on. As one example; China the EPA and smog.

Has the EPA really made the earth a safer, cleaner place by forcing so many companies to relocate outside this country where they are obviously much more inclined to pollute. I'm not suggesting to allow companies to dump whatever they want on the ground. But these companies would run cleaner here in the US while employing our neighbors at decent wages. (yes I realize there are lots of companies that are Chinese/Mexican/Wherever-stan owned that wouldn't move but some would and I believe that would be better.)
Secondly, is the economics education in this country really that bad? If raising these peoples wage is the answer to poverty then why not raise everyone's wage to $100k a year?
  BAM! END OF POVERTY! Congratulations, EVERYONE is now upper middle class! My Nobel prizes in Economics and Peace can be sent to; 123 Utopia Ln Unicornville, LaLa Land.

These jobs, once populated by students mostly, are unable to support a family! In any economic model If McD's is forced to raise its pay, they will raise the price of their food!
How about, people quit voting for idiots and socialists? Redevelop this countries manufacturing base and get students back in these jobs.

Fake on stage at Mandela memorial

It has come to the worlds attention that there was a fake onstage at the Mandela memorial this past weekend.
First off let me offer my opinion on Mandela. It's a shame it didn't happen much sooner. He was a murdering commie sob. Look up "How To Be A Good Communist" using his name on Amazon. Look up "necklacing" using the name Mandela on the internet.  All the sycophant news readers keep gushing about how Mandela forgave his captors, I wonder if all the BLACK anti communist murder or torture victims forgave Nelson and Winnie? But, I digress.
During the memorial for dead, murdering, commie Mandela, there was a fake on stage. A man that avoided scrutiny, avoided any actual, in depth vetting of any kind that might have offered a clue as to his ineptitude. A man that as soon as he started pretending to do the job he was hired for was seen for the fake that he is. While he was there, he basked in the warmth of the worlds gaze, enjoyed being close to the worlds leaders and FAKED  any actual ability to do his job.

I have no idea

Ill sit down this weekend and try to figure out how to make this blog "presentable" for any of you folks that are so desperate for entertainment that you have come here for something to read.

Obligatory mission statement; It's my blog, I'll post anything I want to. It will be my views on politicians (99.9% are crooks and or idiots,) the world (for the most part people have lost their freaking minds,) and anything else I want to opine on.